Got 10X sales within a week by reaching out to 10,000 potential customers on WhatsApp and Telegram. Now they visit my restaurant on regular basis. I can announce discount directly to their inbox. Its AI feature helps me to create better campaign.
Our Success Story
Know from our customers
MarketDigitally bulk sender helped me expand my network on WhatsApp, leading to a significant boost in my subscriber base. The best feature of this platform is managing contacts and doing bulk that I personally prefer. Now I can sell my digital products and courses easily with marketDigitally. Market digitally has helped to reach my potential subscribers.
MarketDigitally Helped to take the business one step above.
Perfect solution for retargeting.
MarketDgitally has lot of feature that helped me a lot. I like to use automation and flow of this platform. The platform charge is very low and has flow features even in basic plan.
Helped me on setup
To be honest, I wanted to try this product and currently I am not in marketing. For the learning purpose this Platform was my personal favorite. The support was undouble. They helped in on call and even helped me on first setup. Currently, I am a teacher and I have no time for this.
Our Unique Features

Say hello to Whatsapp & Telegram marketing
Test the AI Chat System
Scan the QR code or click on the button and it will open your whatsapp or telegram. Then start a chat with the bot.
Get Started Now

Choose the Market Digitally advantage
Use MarketDigitally to engage your prospects through the Whatsapp business API
Quick Reply
Auto reply based on custommer query. This will help you greatly. You may have lack of time in writing reply messages and same type of question has same answers and at this point quick reply comes in action reducing your effort.

Ai Assistant
If you are stuck on writing reply or creating compelling messages then you can equip your panel with chat gpt API. This will help you in creation.

Chat Flow
Flow helps to automate initial chat. This will automatically reply to customer based on their choice. Have professional reply to your client with automation.

Build Contact List
Get contacts added automatically to your contact list when someone messages you.

Simple Pricing For Everyone
Affordable pricing with zero setup fees
Frequently Asked Questions
Still need help? Reach out to our dedicated support team anytime.
Yes, you can use your existing mobile number but we recommend to use fresh or new number. If you use existing mobile number then that number need to be deleted from WhatsApp mobile this means you will loose groups and channels from WhatsApp with that number.
We don't charge extra. You pay only platform fee here. But in order to use this platform you should have WhatsApp API and for that you get charged by facebook (meta).
You will need to have GST to have your pricing setup with meta. You get charged when you send promotional messages or bulk messages. This payment is calculated in your Facebook business account. The price which you pay to marketdigitally is the platform fee only.